Adelaide Chapter

Bible contradictions, by Stephen White, 23 September, 2021.

February 19, 2022

Have you ever heard people claim that the Bible is full of contradictions? I expect so, but is it true? This presentation reviews the claims of “The Bible Handbook for free thinkers and inquiring Christians” by GW Foote and WP Ball. This catalogues numerous alleged contradictions and problem passages in the Bible.

The forward to the 10th edition states:

  • OUR BIBLE HANDBOOK was first issued in 1888. It has now survived the storms of religious controversy and continues to carry devastation into the ranks of Christian bibliolators without receiving any adequate answer… the anti-Christian controversialist “has only to open our Handbook, and in five minutes he will be able to advance more arguments against the Bible than his opponent will be able to answer in a lifetime”.

Stephen White assesses some of these alleged contradictions and whether the claim in the forward is true.

Stephen White

In addition, he addresses the following issues:

  • What do we mean if we claim that the Bible is inspired?
  • How should we respond to alleged contradictions or problematic passages in the Bible?
  • How should we respond when people claim that the Bible is rubbish and full of contradictions?

Stephen’s talk is available on YouTube.