The wrath of God is not a popular or frequent topic for Sunday sermons. There is more focus on the positive aspects of the Biblical message. Why upset people? Will it offend people? Will it help build a church? Is it an apologetic liability?
However, it is mentioned frequently in the Bible and is a common theme from Old Testament prophets.
It is also a common topic of ridicule cited by Christianity’s opponents. Thus their criticisms should be considered and answered carefully. Otherwise, we fiddle while Rome burns.
Also, is the Biblical teaching on the wrath of God part of the whole counsel of God, and is our proclamation deficient if we ignore or suppress it?
Dr Kevin Rogers is the director of Reasonable Faith Adelaide. He was an electrical engineer and then became a lecturer, researcher, and research supervisor at the University of South Australia. He is now mostly retired but continues with part-time research. He is also learning New Testament Greek, attends Ingle Farm Baptist Church and is blessed with a wife, 4 children and 8 grandchildren.
The Bible, along with Christianity, is regularly portrayed as being anti-women, misogynistic, responsible for the suppression & oppression of women, and a tool of “the patriarchy” to subjugate women.
On the other hand, Christianity is often accused and derided for appealing more to women than men. Churches seem to have a higher proportion of women than men and this was also true in the early church. So – what is going on? If the stereotype is true, why are women attracted to Christianity more than men are? What are we missing in all this?
Brian’s presentation answers the above questions and will also address the following issues:
What has been the historical norm for relationships between men & women?
What has been the Christian heritage?
How should the Greco/Roman culture be taken into account when interpreting the Bible?
Has Christian teaching and practices failed women?
What are the current popular opinions within Western culture?
Are they a reliable guide for what is right?
What is a Biblical perspective?
What is the difference between authority and value?
Should we preference responsibility or rights?
What is the created order for male and female?
Was Moses enlightened compared with other nations?
What were Paul’s teachings on relationships between men/women and husbands/wives?
Brian Schroeder is a Reasonable Faith committee member. He has BSc and BA degrees from Adelaide University (Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics), and an MA in Theology.
The format will be a presentation followed by open discussion, which will include both local and remote participants. The total meeting duration will be approximately 90 minutes. We follow this with a small supper to encourage social interaction.
Sensus Divinitatis is a Latin term that refers to a natural sense of God that is present within every human being, but what does this actually mean?
This talk covered:
What were the views of major Christian figures on the Sensus Divinitatis?
What does the Bible say about it?
Can it be suppressed?
Is it innate or
Is it derived from observation of the creation?
Is it dependent on culture and upbringing?
What are the major objections to the sensus divinitatis?
How does it affect Christian apologetics and the proclamation of the gospel?
Kevin Rogers is the director of Reasonable Faith Adelaide. He is a former research fellow, lecturer and research supervisor at the University of South Australia. He is now mostly retired but continues with part-time research.
On the 9th February 2023, Kevin Rogers provided a presentation on Apologetics for young people.
It covers:
Is there a decline and how great is it?
What are the causes?
Are deficiencies in lack of apologetics for children a significant factor?
Kevin Rogers is the director of Reasonable Faith Adelaide. He is now mainly retired after having an electrical engineering career for 40 years and then working as a research Fellow, lecturer and PhD student at the University of South Australia.
Both artificial intelligence and genetic engineering have enormous potential benefits for the health and welfare of humanity, but there are also risks. Artificial intelligence is using computers to mimic human thought processes and decision making. The possible threat here is that computers may surpass or even displace humanity. Genetic engineering is editing DNA genes. This can potentially be used to mitigate or eliminate genetic diseases, enhance human athletic or intellectual performance, improve health, or substantially prolong life. Dr Fazale Rana, from Reasons to Believe (RTB), spoke to us on “Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Engineering”. This is based on his book “Humans 2.0: Scientific, and Theological Perspectives on Transhumanism”. The Kindle edition is available from… for $11.99. The initial sections are on gene editing using CRISPR-Cas9, Brain Computer interfaces (BCI) and artificial body parts. These can be used to heal diseases or adverse genetic conditions. A prime example is the Cochlear ear implant, which is now used to enable deaf people to hear. This is great, but these techniques also have the potential capability to enhance human capabilities to create a new super humanity, which is more controversial.
Dr Fazale Rana has a PhD in biochemistry. He was brought up in an atheist family, but describes his conversion as follows:
“As a graduate student studying biochemistry, I was captivated by the cell’s complexity, elegance, and sophistication. The inadequacy of evolutionary scenarios to account for life’s origin compelled me to conclude that life must come from a Creator. Reading through the Sermon on the Mount convinced me that Jesus really was who Christians claimed him to be: Lord and Saviour.”
In 1999 he left his position in research and development to join Reasons to Believe and is now Vice President of Research and Apologetics.
In the first century Christianity (especially in the person of Jesus) raised the status of women dramatically in comparison with the prevailing Greek, Roman and Jewish cultures. Women played a key role in the rise of Christianity within the Roman empire. In fact, Christianity was mocked for being a religion filled with women.
However, some of the contemporary cultural male/female roles and practices (such as head coverings) were maintained, which now seem out of touch with modern egalitarian western views, especially those arising from the feminist movement. This is sometimes an object of ridicule that may cause some to dismiss Christianity as old-fashioned and irrelevant. So, is there an essential difference between a Biblical view and modern western values? If so, who is right?
The topics that will be discussed are:
What is sexism?
What were the cultural influences in the 1st century?
What does Genesis say?
How were women viewed in the Old Testament?
How did Jesus treat women?
What were Paul’s views on the role of women?
Are they still applicable?
How should we respond?
I would have preferred that this topic be presented by a woman, but I am the only one who has put their hand up so far; and I happen to be a man.
Kevin Rogers is the director of Reasonable Faith Adelaide and is a member of Ingle Farm Baptist Church. He is also an engineering researcher and research supervisor at the University of South Australia.
Transhumanism is the belief that humanity can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations by means of science and technology.
Already today there are huge advances:
Gene Editing enables cures (yes cures) for a number of terrible diseases, as well as the promise of many more, including cancers, diabetes and heart disease.
Brain Computer Interfaces are already being used to overcome paralysis and loss of limbs and may offer help for issues as diverse as dementia.
There are also AI powered scientific breakthroughs that may well yield radical life extension and even start to reverse aging.
Transhumanists believe that we have a moral obligation to take control of human evolution to prevent suffering and overcome our biological limitations, including death.
It sounds like science fiction, but much of the above is already happening and so much more is highly likely within the next 5-10 years. Given our secular society in the West, perhaps it should be no surprise that a growing and influential minority of voices have started to look to this science and technology “for salvation” to solve much of our suffering, and perhaps even death itself. Transhumanists believe that humanity now has the ability and the moral obligation to take charge of our own evolution. Yet it turns out that this serves to highlight the importance of the Christian worldview.
We all know that our planet is special. But how unique is it really? Is there any evidence that pertains to our existence being extraordinary?
Join Gordon and Bronwyn as they explore this fascinating topic on what science has actually uncovered about the universe’s beginning and the features of our place in space that contribute to earth’s unique features. This will be a joint presentation from Bronwyn Pearse and Gordon Stanger.
Bronwyn Pearse is a primary school teacher who currently works with a number of people from different religious backgrounds. Having grown up in a Christian family she has always enjoyed asking questions and digging deeper into the truth claims of Christianity. In recent years she has been exploring what makes Christianity unique amongst the world religions and the scientific evidence for a creator found, particularly in cosmology. During Bronwyn’s talk she refers to a couple of key web links. These can be found at and….
Dr Gordon Stanger is a geologist, hydrologist, water resources specialist, and a climate-change impact analyst. He is semi-retired and is a keen advocate of ‘sensible Christianity’. He has spoken on several occasions at our meetings. He is very knowledgeable on scientific issues, and we greatly appreciate his contribution.
Bronwyn and Gordon’s joint presentation can be viewed on YouTube.
In 2020, in response to covid19, churches around the world were forced to close their buildings, many of which are still closed today.
The common initial response to this closure by the local church was to “put the normal church service online” and to create online content and an online production. As a result, many local churches became far more aware of the state of technology, its interplay with culture and the online world in general. Yet it appears there is a very strong widespread desire to return to the comfort of church, much as it was operating in a pre-covid world. In this talk, we are going to explore aspects of how technology has been shaping the environment that the church exists in and how covid is revealing that environment. So, is a simple return to pre-covid church operation and strategy more about our comforts than our mission? In addition, we will examine some approaches for using technology to reach a tech-saturated world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
In the very dark days of World War 1, Britain made agreements with both the Arabs and the Jews regarding the land, then known as Palestine, to seek short term assistance to win “The Great War”. As an inevitable consequence, both Arabs and Jews believed they had received a promise that they would possess that land, but the contradictory promises resulted in growing anger and conflict between Arabs and Jews in that land. By 1947 Britain, so weary after World War 2, had had enough of this conflict and, on 29th November 1947, the United Nations agreed to partition Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. The conflict has been going on ever since.