Adelaide Chapter

Fulfilled prophecies, by Trevor Harris

June 25, 2024

On the 13th June 2024, Trevor Harris spoke on fulfilled prophecies.

Biblical prophecy demonstrates a truth about God and the future. It reveals that God is not defined or limited by time as we know it.

God said to Isaiah that he would declare “the end” from “the beginning”. Many biblical prophets were not welcomed by the populace in their lifetime, but their writings are found in the Scriptures because their truth was vindicated.

Trevor discussed the following questions:

  • What does it mean that “The Spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus”? (Rev 19:10)
  • What is the evidence and probability that these prophecies were fulfilled?
  • How many OT prophecies are found in the NT?
  • Why is there a swell in interest in modern times for prophetic topics?
  • Why are some people describing recent events as “end times”?

Trevor’s talk is available on YouTube.

Trevor Harris has an Honours degree in Architecture and a Masters degree in Urban and Regional Planning. He has practiced in these areas for 45 years. Twenty years ago, he formed a company called ‘Key-line Christian Research’ which is dedicated to identifying and researching Bible sites and their history. This has included extensive field trips to the Middle East.

We are saved (Thank God). Now what? by Gordon Stanger

June 25, 2024

Our next meeting will be on:

On Thursday, the 23rd of May Gordon Stanger spoke on “We are saved (Thank God). Now what?”.

Here is a summary:

For the most part today’s Christian disciples are a pale and insipid shadow of the powerful and dynamic discipleship that we read about in the book of Acts. Is it commonplace for us to go into hostile places to teach people about Christ, and to validate our testimony by the power of God in practical and dramatic ways? Do we:

  • Heal the blind and the lame,
  • Cleanse the sick,
  • Cast out demons,
  • Raise the dead,
  • hear God and act upon his word on a daily basis, or
  • utilize the gifts of prophesy, discernment, and words of knowledge?

Generally, no, we don’t. Are we, Jesus’s contemporary disciples, actively involved in spiritual warfare? If not, then what is the meaning of “Deliver us from evil?”

Outside the church the dominant culture has a one-word summary of the church – irrelevant!  So much of church leadership is tradition-bound, inward looking, self-serving, status-quo-retaining and bereft of the Holy Spirit’s power. It is largely tepid, clueless and faithless.

Inside the church we do a lot of good stuff with loving intent. But the good can be the enemy of the best. Fund-raising car boot sales, social outreach, and all manner of good works are all very well, but that’s not at the heart of what Jesus trained and commissioned his disciples to do.

There’s a lot more than just being saved. We are commissioned as foot-soldiers of the Lord’s army, to do his bidding for His kingdom. I’m still a novice in this warfare, but I suggest that His disciples engage in much more proactive activities that will involve closeness to the Lord, deeper faith, faster personal growth, advancement of the Kingdom, and many other benefits. The days of “irrelevance” are over!

Gordon’s talk is available on YouTube.

Dr Gordon Stanger is a geologist, hydrologist, water resources specialist, and a climate-change impact analyst. He is an RFA committee member and is semi-retired.

The surprising rebirth of belief in God by Tom Daly

June 6, 2024

Tom Daly introduced us to the ideas captured in Justin Brierley’s latest book, and podcast series “The Surprising Rebirth of Faith in God.” In a world where the arguments of the New Atheism have seemingly grown stale, Brierley presents his thesis that amidst academia, intellectual circles, scientific communities, and the realms of art, there’s a surprising resurgence in the exploration of Christianity’s narrative.

This resurgence isn’t merely about religious (Christian) belief, but more broadly about renewed search for meaning and purpose for those of us living in the modern Western world. Tom will present highlights, adding his own observations and presenting some of the intriguing and encouraging observations Justin is making based on his many years hosting talks between Christians and Atheists.

Tom’s talk is available on YouTube.

Tom Daly

Why is God so concerned about sin? By Stephen White

June 6, 2024

In the 1960s movie Pollyanna, a cheerful young orphan girl by that name convinced the local minister to preach on the many ‘Glad’ passages from the Bible. It is a trend that has been going on for at least a century as we do not want to disturb people who come to church about their sin or the coming judgement – they might be offended and not come back. But is this how the Christian faith started – do all atheists have a similar optimistic view as Pollyanna?

The presentation attempted to answer these questions and looked at instances of powerful conviction of sin in recent times. The presentation is available on YouTube.

Stephen White has had a career as a physicist and is now retired. He has been a very supportive member of the Reasonable Faith Adelaide committee for a number of years.

Between now and the end of August, Ann and I will be away, mainly on cruise around the world. Somebody has to do it. In the meantime, Brian Schroeder will takeover most of my activities. I still hope to participate in most of the meetings via Zoom and will prepare the meeting announcements. However, Brian will host the live meetings, record the meetings, control the zoom sessions and upload the recordings onto YouTube. A lot of this is pretty tricky. I am very grateful to Brian for doing this. Please pray for him and support him in whatever way you can.

The wrath of God by Kevin Rogers

April 12, 2024

The wrath of God is not a popular or frequent topic for Sunday sermons. There is more focus on the positive aspects of the Biblical message. Why upset people? Will it offend people? Will it help build a church? Is it an apologetic liability?

However, it is mentioned frequently in the Bible and is a common theme from Old Testament prophets.

It is also a common topic of ridicule cited by Christianity’s opponents. Thus their criticisms should be considered and answered carefully. Otherwise, we fiddle while Rome burns.

Also, is the Biblical teaching on the wrath of God part of the whole counsel of God, and is our proclamation deficient if we ignore or suppress it?

Some of the topics that I will cover are:

  • My conversion and personal experience,
  • Does the Bible claim that God can be wrathful?
  • Historic treatments,
  • Common objections,
  • Can it be misused?
  • The kindness and severity of God, and
  • Is wrath an essential attribute of God?

The presentation is available on YouTube.

Kevin Rogers and William Lane Craig

Dr Kevin Rogers is the director of Reasonable Faith Adelaide. He was an electrical engineer and then became a lecturer, researcher, and research supervisor at the University of South Australia. He is now mostly retired but continues with part-time research. He is also learning New Testament Greek, attends Ingle Farm Baptist Church and is blessed with a wife, 4 children and 8 grandchildren.