“Encounters with modern-day Miracles” by Dr Gordon Stanger and Raf Shaw, 14 November 2024
November 16, 2024
This presentation describes eye-witness accounts of numerous healing and other miracles that took place in Bungoma in Kenya, as investigated by Gordon Stanger.

Patrick and Joseph at Bungoma: Eyewitnesses to the Kenya miracles.
Here is his summary:
Some doubt the authenticity of Mark 16:17, 18:
And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
However, for those who act upon these words with child-like faith, this text is validated; these, and other miracles do occur. Some extraordinary miracles occurred in a Christian children’s ministry in a remote part of Kenya, as reported in a book by Jennifer Toledo. These included practical deliverance from the evils of witchcraft, which sound bizarre from our cultural perspective. Gordon happened to be working in that part of Africa, so he made a detour to check out the reality of these miracles, the results of which are reported here.
We also discuss the purpose of such miracles. God’s extraordinary miracles aren’t confined to places ‘far away’ in different cultures. Raf has been walking close to the Lord for many years, here in Australia as well as overseas. He relates some personal testimonies of remarkable healing, words of knowledge, and other modern-day miracles.
The presentation i published on YouTube.
Dr Gordon Stanger is a geologist, hydrologist, water resources specialist, and a climate-change impact analyst. He also spent significant time in Africa, where he came in contact with many people who received miraculous healing or who had other experiences of the miraculous. He is an RFA committee member and is semi-retired.