Adelaide Chapter

Scientism and scientific naturalism by Tom Daly

November 10, 2023

Scientism and scientific naturalism by Tom Daly On the 9th November 2023, Reasonable Faith Adelaide hosted a presentation on ‘Scientism and scientific naturalism’ by Tom Daly.

Scientism and scientific naturalism are two ideas that shape how many people view the world around us and what we consider as knowledge, and yet they are often more assumed than examined. Scientism basically says that if you can’t prove it scientifically, it doesn’t count. Meanwhile, scientific naturalism takes it a step further, claiming that everything that exists is part of the natural world and there’s no room for the supernatural. “You have faith, but I have reason” is the common refrain from the secular world and yet, when we compare scientism and scientific naturalism with the Christian faith, a far richer picture quickly emerges. Tom Daly examines some of the background and implications of these 2 beliefs.

Tom’s slides contain several hyperlinks as follows:

Why I believe in God | Dr. John Lennox interviewed by Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing at….

Ricky Gervais And Stephen Go Head-To-Head On Religion at….

What Is Science and Scientism? | Ian Hutchinson at….

Definition of Methodological naturalism at…. Straw Dogs Quotes at….

Mind & Cosmos Quotes at…. Does science prove everything? At….

Why No One Has Measured The Speed Of Light at….

Is There Meaning to Life? | William Lane Craig, Rebecca Goldstein, Jordan Peterson – Toronto 2018 at….

Tom Daly

Tom Daly is a member of our committee and is an IT professional who has worked in hi-tech for nearly 40 years.