Adelaide Chapter

Did Methuselah really live to be 969 years old?

February 28, 2019

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Date(s) - 28/02/2019
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm



Are the early chapters of Genesis credible? Are they meant to be history or are they mythical stories to convey lessons? One of the credibility challenges is the large ages of Noah’s ancestors. For example, Genesis 5 states that Methuselah died at the age of 969. Geoffrey Russell believes that there are some intriguing aspects to these stories that should cause us to think more carefully before jumping to hasty conclusions.

Geoff Russell is a professional electrical engineer. Geoff has a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours from the University of Adelaide, a post-graduate Diploma in Engineering & Computer Applications and an Associate in Theology from the Bible College of South Australia. Geoff is a member of the Coromandel Baptist Church, where he has served as a deacon, secretary, elder and lay preacher.

Geoff Russell

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