The blessing and the curse, by Kevin Rogers
March 27, 2025
Date(s) - 27/03/2025
7:00 pm
Our next Reasonable Faith Adelaide (RFA) meeting for 2025 will be on “The blessing and the curse” by Kevin Rogers. This meeting will start at 7 pm, on Thursday, the 27th March. You can participate in RFA meetings via ZOOM. Please click on the following link to join the meeting:
If prompted, the Meeting ID is 785 1510 8298 and the Passcode is 372621.
When Israel was about to enter the promised land, Moses declared:
“See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse:
the blessing if you obey the commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you today;
and the curse if you disobey”.
Moses outlined the causes and consequences under the old covenant. Joshua subsequently reaffirmed this after entering the promised land at Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal.
Joshua subsequently led Israel well and at the end of his life, he issued this ultimatum:
“Choose you this day whom you will serve,
as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”.
Israel sometimes obeyed and were blessed, but for the most part they drifted away and suffered the curses. Israel illustrated that humanity is unable to warrant the blessings in their own strength and so the New Covenant offered a better way. Christ bore the curse for us. Obeying Christ’s commands is still important, but blessings and curses now hinge on faith in Christ.
Some topics that will be included are:
- The role of Moses and Joshua.
- Do we still face choices that will result in either curses or a blessings?
- Has the nature of these curses and blessings changed in the New Covenant?
- Is God warranted in judging us based solely on our attitude to Christ?
- The need to re-declare to our generation the critical choices that people face that affect this life and their eternal destiny.
Kevin Rogers is the director of Reasonable Faith Adelaide. After a 40-year engineering career, he was a Research Fellow and lecturer with the University of South Australia but is now mainly retired.
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