Adelaide Chapter

The role of Biblical Criticism by Dr Stephen Spence

May 11, 2017

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Date(s) - 11/05/2017
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm



Biblical criticism is often completely ignored or viewed with deep suspicion by many everyday churchgoers. After all, aren’t the biblical critics just a mob of liberals or sceptics who are out to upset our simple faith? Well, is this the right attitude, or should we seek to understand this realm of biblical studies? Perhaps it could be useful.

Stephen Spence will speak on the role of biblical criticism. He will address the following questions:

  • What types of criticism are there (eg textual, source, form etc) and what are they?
  • Are they helpful and valid and how are they helpful?
  • Are they a threat to the Christian faith?
  • What attitude should Christians have towards them?

Dr Stephen Spence

Rev Dr Stephen Spence is well qualified to talk to us on this topic. Apart from being Scottish, he is the Vice President (Education and Research), the Deputy Principal (Academic) and the New Testament and Theology Professor at Tabor College.

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