Adelaide Chapter

Why isn’t divine healing a normal part of Christian experience? by Gordon Stanger

March 23, 2023

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Date(s) - 23/03/2023
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm



Our next Zoom meeting is:

‘Why isn’t divine healing a normal part of Christian experience?’ by Gordon Stanger

When: 7 pm, Thursday, the 23rd March 2023

Please click on the following link to join the meeting:

If prompted, the Meeting ID is 837 5350 7319 and the passcode is 895823.

Jesus performed many miracles, mostly which were healing. This was then replicated by some of his disciples and is even now common in non-Western churches but is not so common in Western churches.

Several reasons have been suggested why healing is not common in most Western churches, including the following:

  • Some are historic, where the church has just taken a wrong turn and is only now beginning to correct matters.
  • There are other factors such as lack of appropriate teaching, lack of awareness, secularization of the church’s worldview, fear of failure, and lack of understand our authority in Christ.

See what you think, and whether it is time for us as individuals and as a church, to revise our perception and practice of divine healing.

Dr Gordon Stanger

Dr Gordon Stanger is a geologist, hydrologist, water resources specialist, and a climate-change impact analyst. He is an RFA committee member and is semi-retired. He has spent significant time in Africa where he had contact with people who had experiences of miraculous healings.

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