Six Days? Outlining the case against Six-day creationism
September 8, 2016
Date(s) - 08/09/2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Is the earth old or young? Conventional science claims that the earth is about 4.54 billion years old and Young Earth Creationists (YECs) claim it is something less than 10,000 years old. This is a huge difference and many Christians are quite divided on this issue. The stakes are quite high. The position we take has an enormous impact on our apologetic stance. If the YECs are right, then we should fully support them. If they are wrong, then they are an embarrassment and an apologetic liability. We have had a number of meetings that have discussed various aspects of this issue and we will not resolve it once and for all. However, we believe that people should be made aware of arguments on both sides.
YECs use both biblical and scientific arguments to support their case. Their biblical argument is that those who are faithful to the Bible as the word of God must support the belief that the earth was created in 6 literal days. Other Christians disagree and believe that a Christian can be faithful to the Bible and yet still believe in an old earth. On this coming Thursday Tim Patrick will speak on “’Six Days?’ outlining the biblical case against six-day creationism.” This is based on his chapter – Patrick, T.R.C, ‘Six Days?’ in Brown, P. (ed.) Disbelieving Disbelief (Melbourne: Mosaic 2012).
Tim Patrick is the Principal of the Bible College of South Australia and an ordained minister with experience in church planting and pastoral leadership. He has also served with several para-church organisations. Tim’s first qualification was a Bachelor of Science with a First Class Honours and he worked for several years as an Experimental Scientist with the CSIRO before moving into theological study. His current research interests are in the gospel, eschatology and the English Reformation.
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